4/30 The Track and Field day

Today, we had a Track and Field, which I initially thought it would be a similar event to the Japanese athletic festivals. But unpredicatably it wasn't like that in fact.


Because it felt like a day of summer, some of us could get a sunburn seriously there.

The place was a school yard of a high school who graduated from this elementary school are going, so some teachers coincidentally had met the alumni then had a fun talk about their memories. Those scenes were very heart warming I felt. 



Anyway what I want to write down is different from what I 'im imagined and what I' d experienced. Here are the three main points of the remarkable differences I found out there.


1 They are free to join the laces!

 There was a hill beside the track where students are sitting on to cheer others on the laces. 


2 Qualifing to the competition of the entire city

somes students who made a good result on the laces are going to join the bigger Truck and Field competetion held among regional areas, and more, the city of Toronto. They are enthusiastic to perform their best on the laces in order to pass and qualify to the upper stage, which is so exciting to see.



3 Competing is an individual work of students in a competion.

This is the most remarkable difference I think. In Japan, we compete and perform not only individually but also as one group and class. Here is the contrast that makes me think of the differences of educational concept towards this kind of competetive festival.

The Japan's one is like all students should participate in school events, which comes from the concept of equality and the concept of tunability of ours.

The Canada one is like if they dont want to do, that is who they are, which comes from on the concept of diversity and understanding differences.